Will 2025 be your declaration of growth, unfolding, to rediscover? To put the phone down. Do you have a clear vision when it comes to strengthening personal and professional goals? If achieving those milestones; putting some discipline and commitment around your desires is much needed, perhaps you will find the guidance and support in this list.
Never Split the Difference — Chris Voss
Recommended by The Internet
Why I picked it up, It’s a really good book on negotiation, and even if you are not searching for books on negotiation but need to learn how to say 'no' and assert yourself in a non-confrontational manner, this is going to be a very useful tool for many situations.
What stuck with me avocadotoastisfrugal on reddit said “Never split the difference was a book my sales manager made me read. Not only did I get much better at my job it honestly changed how I move through the world and interact with people. Highly recommend, esp for people pleasers.”
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Maybe You Should Talk to Someone — Lori Gottlieb
Recommended by The Internet
Why you’ll want to pick it up It is the perspective on therapy from a therapist. Found this to be a really helpful breakdown on what good therapy looks like and how to make the most out of therapy. One reviewer on Amazon said, “This isn't just a book about therapy, it's a book about being human.”
What stuck with me One redditor said it was the next best thing to actually seeing a therapist.
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How to Win Friends and Influence People — Dale Carnegie
Recommended by Tracey
Why you’ll want to pick it up My mother gave me a copy of this when I was in my early twenties, told me I needed to read it. She was right. I lent this copy to several people since, and I don’t know where it is now. I ordered another version last week. Borderline manipulative, this book makes the principles of human psychology easily applied to everyday situations. This is basic communication for polite society.
What stuck with me Fundamental techniques in handling people — the entire chapter.
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Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action — Simon Sinek
Recommended by Tracey
Why you’ll want to read it I am such a fan of Simon Sinek — the Internet is divided. Yes, you can watch the TED Talk but what this book offers, for me anyway is a deeper assertion of what it means to have values. Start With Why will guide you towards diving deep and discovering your purpose — vital to living authentically.
What stuck with me “The ceramic cup they gave me last year, it was never meant for me at all. It was meant for the position I held. I deserve a Styrofoam cup. Because you only ever deserved a Styrofoam cup.”
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The Icarus Deception: How High Will You Fly? — Seth Godin
Recommended by Tracey
Why I picked it up I am also a huge fan of Seth Godin, I’ll read anything he writes. I read this book just prior to resigning from my job. This book affirms you do not get what you do not ask for — that and you need to be fearless. “When your art fails, make better art.” This one is for the artists or those who at least want to create art.
What stuck with me “Creating ideas that spread and connecting the disconnected are the two pillars of our new society, and both of them require the posture of the artist.”
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How to Be Free — Tom Hodgkinson
Recommended by Amandine
Why you’ll want to read it While studying permaculture, learning of the social and environmental impacts of the fossil fuel industry and our inevitable collapse wasn't easy. I was feeling anxious, so when my good friend Anna shared “How to be Free”, and that it gave her faith in the future, I had to read it. Tom Hodgkinson’s book is inspirational and a pleasant surprise. Expect a deep cultural and historical dive into the roots of our western society, the industrial revolution and the implementation of capitalism as a global economic system. This book is also a breath of fresh air, a joyful read with concrete answers for creating tomorrow’s world. Prepare to learn and laugh a lot.
What stuck with me “Anxiety will drive us back into our comfort blankets of credit-card shopping and bad food, so the system deliberately produces anxiety while simultaneously promising to take it away.” And also, “When you stop buying, you start living, and you stop contributing to an exploitative system.”
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The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck — Mark Manson
Recommended by Amandine
Why you’ll want to read it Tracey and Eduardo gifted me this book on my 31st birthday, they have been long time enthusiasts of Mark Manson’s words, and the truth is the title is appealing. I have to say this book was a life-changing read or better-said life saviour. These words are about letting go of self-entitlement and egocentrism, confronting painful truths and responsibilities, embracing who we are, recognising what matters in life and essentially how we can all experience long term happiness. Raw, real, ruthless and funny, Mark Manson’s best seller is the “kick in the arse” a lot of us need to experience.
What stuck with me “Don’t just sit there. Do something. The answers will follow.”
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The Wisdom of Insecurity: a Message for an Age of Anxiety — Alan Watts
Recommended by The Internet
Why you’ll want to read it Initial impressions from reading reviews, this book is for those who constantly feel stressed, anxious and overwhelmed — so now that is pretty much everybody. Watts explores our quest for psychological security and acceptance, examining our efforts to find spiritual and intellectual certainty within modern contexts of religion and philosophy. The Wisdom of Insecurity underlines the importance of our search for stability at a time where human life seems particularly vulnerable. And even more so now.
What stuck with me Tyler on goodreads who states “If you are the type of reader that highlights the important parts, I would suggest just dipping this entire book in yellow dye.”
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Empowerment: The Art of Creating Your Life as You Want It — David Gershon and Gail Straub
Recommended by The Internet
Why you’ll want to pick it up Empowerment builds on that real-life experience, and provides practical techniques, storytelling, visualisations, and exercises for self-evaluation to, well, empower you to live your best life. The authors believe — and so do we that our thoughts and beliefs create the actual conditions of our life. Covering off relationships, sexuality, money, work, body, emotions, and spirituality, Empowerment asks you to look deep and raise your consciousness to live your best life.
What stuck with me That our thoughts and beliefs create the actual conditions of our life, I think this is a concept we can all get on board with.
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Becoming Supernatural: How Common People are Doing the Uncommon — Joe Dispenza
Recommended by The Internet
Why you’ll want to read it Becoming Supernatural combines profound scientific information with ancient wisdom to show how everyday people can ascend and experience a more mystical life. An expert in educating people in using neuroscientific principles, Dispenza provides the essentials for cultivating and supporting creativity, innovation and productivity on a daily basis.
What stuck with me This book is a guide for self-healing and manifestation.
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The Courage to Be Disliked: The Japanese Phenomenon That Shows You How to Change Your Life and Achieve Real Happiness — Fumitake Koga and Ichiro Kishimi
Recommended by The Internet
Why you’ll want to read it I’m intrigued by this book. I feel that if I read it, I would emerge from it changed, less anxious probably.
What stuck with me This book explores polarising subject matter — mental health and identity. Based on the basic concepts of Alfred Adler, the idea that we create our own emotions is equally empowering and terrifying.
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